Monday, April 11, 2011

Tonight's the kind of night.

tonight's the kind of night
when everything could change.
-noah and the whale

I'm a dreamer. I make up stories and situations in my head and imagine myself in them, traipsing through African jungles, visiting orphanages with my husband. My sari trailing the red dust as I bargain in an Indian market. Photographing my experiences - chaos and love and corruption and change. Jumping on jet planes, some sturdier than others. Learning languages by stumbling through conversations with natives. There's so much I want to do in my life. So what's stopping me? Seriously. Can I walk? Yes.

Women's retreat this weekend really taught me to stand on my own two feet again. I'm a dreamer but I'm also adaptable, so much so that I find myself molding into the people around me. I'm my own person, I'm unique, I'm different from everyone around me. God has given me my own special dreams and I can live them out - without anyone else. I can be my own adventurer. But please don't misread this, we need community.

So here we go. I'm sticking my foot out there, somewhere. I don't know what kind of ground it's gonna hit - Jesus, guide my path. I'm going to DO - what, I don't know but I can't be used by God if I refuse to get off my butt because I'm a scared little child.

don't be shy,
be brave little champion.
it's better to live than to hide.