Thursday, September 30, 2010


I took a walk last night and I finally found the words in me to put down on paper.
I'm going to be hypocritical and tell you not to try to figure me out.
Yes, I wrote it last night, but it is something that has been in me for a while now and only decided to form itself into black scribbles last night.


am i too scared to see what is right in front of my face?
that the very thing i've been praying for might be, in fact, a reality?
why, though?
if it has been consuming my thoughts so much, why is it taking me so long to accept?
am i scared that if this desire is confirmed that it would become any less than it could be?
i am too scared to trust God completely.
the very thing i want Him to give me so desperately is the very same that i cling to with my heart.
but if my heart belongs to God, how can i continue to hold on to it?
if only.
it's funny how hard we have to be hit to make a simple reevaluation on our lives.
you would think it's easy, and then you have to do it.
the hardest things to admit are to ourselves.
to see our faults and misdeeds and brokenness
but to know that we are still completely loved.
and not just by a friend, but by the very One who made us His and His alone.

Monday, September 27, 2010


I love to listen to people.
As much as I love to listen, I hate selfishness.
I will sit quietly waiting for someone to realize I need to talk too.
I spend a lot of my time waiting for people to realize things.
It can be dangerous to only listen.
So thanks to those who listen to me in turn.

There's not much of a point to this.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Adventure is scraping up your knee and not caring.
Adventure is worshipping in the middle of a roundabout.
Adventure is learning a new language.
Adventure is talking to someone you don't know.
Adventure is hopping a fence for the first time.
Adventure is not having no fear, but having no regrets.

Where is your sense of adventure?

I found mine again today.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Whenever I use the word family, it is loosely defined. Over the years, family has come to mean so much more than the mere blood that runs in our veins. It is still defined by blood, but by the blood of Christ. Friends are the family you choose, but I think they were chosen for me.

Family is who sticks with you no matter what, no matter where.

I've come to understand that I've taken my family for granted, like I do with so much else. I've only realized it this past year and change when I've been living halfway across the world. I guess that's normal though, what is that saying? "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"? I kind of hate that saying, but I guess it holds true to some degree.

Right now time difference sucks. Eight hours and soon to be nine.

Story of my life.
Doesn't make it any easier, though.

Monday, September 20, 2010


According to esteemed Arab scholar, Santiago, reading strategies for Arabic start with finding the appropriate field with limited lighting so that extra-terrestials will be attracted to the spot to make crop circles.

He has successfully offended half the world in one go.


Three Years Later

Three years is a long time. The only reason I'm back on here was to leave my mark somewhere else. Of course, I have to leave my own virtual footprints here though, too.

Well, I don't really have much to say. I've been out of practice for a while. I haven't written anything in a long time. It's kind of weird.

Really, the real reason I'm writing on here is because I'm too afraid to admit that if I watch Jersey Shore, I might sincerely like it. I mean, I liked Wristcutters so I might as well like something else. (That's all Paul's getting.)

Now I'm turning this blog into what I don't want a blog to be. I'm already too analytical, I don't need to publicize it.

So this is me signing off to do my Arabic homework even though my butt is already numb from re-activating and re-vamping my blog.