Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Ignorance is bliss...unless it's AP English you're ignoring...

I should be reading Othello at the moment, instead of being online. Or reading two other books. It's not that I don't like it, I love Shakespeare, I really do. Even if it is really confusing to understand most of the time. Call me a nerd, but actually deciphering the words on the page is half why I love his works so much. Yeah, I dunno what else to say about Shakespeare now except that I should really go read more Othello! Orientation is tomorrow, and I'm scared sockless about it. I spent this whole summer fantasizing about how I'm gonna be on the ball with all my school work and SAT work and such, and now look at me...Less than a week before school starts and I'm not even halfway done with my AP English work! Not to mention I haven't even thought about reviewing any French verbs...Okay, I lie...Thought I have, done I haven't. Oh how I loathe schoolwork so. Yet I am so intrigued by it. Maybe intrigued isn't the right word...Okay, enough ranting for now!

1 comment:

Cait said...

Well since you aren't onlin right now Tach dearie I'm hoping your reading Othello now and getting to know our good old friend...except he's kinda dead now...but that's beside the point =P