Monday, October 3, 2011

Standing straight is not just proper etiquette.

hope which was lost
now stands renewed

There is power in our stance. On Christ the solid rock we stand. We stand before a judge. We take a stand when we own up to something. We stand out when we are different. We stand up to someone. I find so much wonderful imagery in the word stand. And what's more is that it's a verb. That means it's an action. We can't stand if we're tired; it requires energy. We stand firm, we stand strong - like a tree, rooted to the ground for centuries, standing tall and majestic in a forest - this is how we are when we have the power of Christ coursing through our veins. The dictionary defines stand as "to have or maintain an upright position supported by one's feet". And as we see in Ephesians 6, when we put on the armour of God we are instructed to "as shoes for your feet, ... put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace" (v15 - ESV). So let us stand in full confidence of what we've been delivered from and who we've been created to become. Let us embrace the processes of life, standing tall and firm because we choose to root ourselves in the word and character of God, standing strong in our laced up boots of peace and we will not be shaken.

no power of hell, no scheme of man
can ever pluck me from his hand
til he returns or call me home
here in the power of christ i'll stand.