Thursday, August 16, 2007

Cut the ribbon with silver shears.

What do you write in a first blog?
*thinks to self*
Well probably what I'm writing now I guess.
This isn't my first time blogging, I've blogged before. But this is my first blog on my new blog.
So, a bit about the title...
As you've probably read somewhere in my profile, I like to travel. And I've seemed to have formed a new kind of...*looks around for a word*...shall we say "habit"? of taking pictures of my proudly worn black-and-white-checkered-vans in almost every country i've visited this summer, which has been six. So, in a special dedication to my lovingly worn shoes, I named my blog after them. Plus, it's totally catchy and like sooo totally me!
So, after that brief introduction...[i actually did keep it brief! woohoo!]...
I now wholeheartedly welcome you to the special grand opening of
*cheers erupt from crowd*


Cait said...


Yay, I'm the first comment on the first post on your new blog!!

You should post all of the Vans photos...that would be cool. Or it could be a sidebar or something? All the different ones you collect?




LIfe's a Show said...

woohoot! :D